[Majorityrights Central] Piece by peace Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. [Majorityrights News] Shame in the Oval Office Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. [Majorityrights News] A father and a just cause Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. [Majorityrights Central] Into the authoritarian future Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. [Majorityrights Central] On an image now lost: Part 2 Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. [Majorityrights News] Richard Williamson, 8th March 1940 - 29th January 2025 Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 03 February 2025 10:30. [Majorityrights Central] Freedom’s actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2 Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 11 January 2025 01:08. [Majorityrights News] KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 January 2025 00:35. [Majorityrights Central] Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 04 January 2025 23:06. [Majorityrights News] Former Putin economic advisor on Putin’s global strategy Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 30 December 2024 15:40. [Majorityrights News] Trump will ‘arm Ukraine to the teeth’ if Putin won’t negotiate ceasefire Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 12 November 2024 16:20. [Majorityrights News] Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch wins Tory leadership election Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 02 November 2024 22:56. [Majorityrights News] What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve? Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 21 September 2024 22:55. [Majorityrights Central] An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time Posted by James Bowery on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 15:26. [Majorityrights Central] Slaying The Dragon Posted by James Bowery on Monday, 05 August 2024 15:32. [Majorityrights Central] The legacy of Southport Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 02 August 2024 07:34. [Majorityrights News] Farage only goes down on one knee. Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 29 June 2024 06:55. [Majorityrights News] An educated Russian man in the street says his piece Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 17:27. [Majorityrights Central] Freedom’s actualisation and a debased coin: Part 1 Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 07 June 2024 10:53. [Majorityrights News] Computer say no Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 09 May 2024 15:17. [Majorityrights News] Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oklahoma Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 27 April 2024 09:35. [Majorityrights Central] Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 14 April 2024 10:34. [Majorityrights News] Moscow’s Bataclan Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 22 March 2024 22:22. [Majorityrights News] Soren Renner Is Dead Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 21 March 2024 13:50. [Majorityrights News] Collett sets the record straight Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 14 March 2024 17:41. [Majorityrights Central] Patriotic Alternative given the black spot Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 14 March 2024 17:14. [Majorityrights Central] On Spengler and the inevitable Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 17:33. [Majorityrights News] Alex Navalny, born 4th June, 1976; died at Yamalo-Nenets penitentiary 16th February, 2024 Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 16 February 2024 23:43. [Majorityrights News] A Polish analysis of Moscow’s real geopolitical interests and intent Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 06 February 2024 16:36. [Majorityrights Central] Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 10:49. [Majorityrights News] Savage Sage, a corrective to Moscow’s flood of lies Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 12 January 2024 14:44. [Majorityrights Central] Twilight for the gods of complacency? Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 02 January 2024 10:22. [Majorityrights Central] Milleniyule 2023 Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 22 December 2023 13:11. [Majorityrights Central] A Russian Passion Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 22 December 2023 01:11. by David Hamilton There is confusion about what art is. The qualities that make something art are intrinsic, not external. It is the artifice, the organising of elements, perspective, choice of colour etc, that make it art. The result is obtained by transforming reality and thus nature through human imagination and emotion and is realised by skill and technique. The word Beauty (or beautiful) is descriptive if used as an adjective to express the response of the beholder to an object, or if used within a clear context; if used as an abstract noun it is universal, and therefore meaningless. A significant difference between contemporary art and traditional art is the split between form and meaning. This Cartesian duality is the split between mind and body, subject and form. The split is in all the various forms and styles and substance and meaning, of the respective art forms. In architecture contemporary buildings look like objects they are not which is why they are given comic nicknames - The Gerkhin, The Cheese Grater, or Liverpool’s Catholic Cathedral, The Mersey Funnel (aka Liverpool Metropolitcan Cathedral). The form is not related to function - the interior of a modern cathedral could be anywhere. Traditional art develops within traditional forms and it develops the forms. In his Christian paintings of the fifties Dali adapted forms to his individual vision but they are recognisably traditional forms. Dali was a genius - contemporary artists are not. They need to shock to get recognition. Real Art grows out of tradition and provides sustenance, spiritual or worldly, for people rather than negative emotions like shock or offence that are harmful.
I’m not entirely sure what to make of Marine Le Pen’s healthy third place in today’s first round of the French presidential election. It was good enough for the Telegraph website to run the main page headline One in five vote for Marine Le Pen. The exact percentage was a little less, in fact: Hollande: 9,172,959 votes (28.4%) ... but it is clear that the economic difficulties that France faces within the Euro - weak growth, vast debts, and unemployment at over 10% - chiefly benefited the Socialist candidate Francois Hollande. Marine had a clear anti-EU, anti-globalist policy. But it was not what the majority of voters wanted to hear. They are still willing to give the usual suspects the benefit of a no-doubt growing doubt. And this despite the racial disaster that nobody now can dismiss with an insouciant, Gallic shrug. The “worse is better” school of nationalist optimism is being tested to destruction in France, as in the southern Eurozone, and while Marine’s vote was better than some predicted, it does demonstrate that national crises alone are insufficient to impel nationalist parties very far electorally. Not even the redoubtable Marine, a class act by any political standard, could break the mould with one blow (not that she ever said she would, of course). There is always a “where next” in electoral politics. FN activists will likely split their support more or less evenly in the second round vote between Hollande and Sarkozy. Not that there is any love for the socialist, but there is a powerful desire to smash Sarkozy’s UMP. Expect Hollande to triumph, and Sarkozy’s failure to present an inviting opportunity for a re-alignment of right-of-centre politics in France. Beyond the presidential election FN will look for a spring-board effect from Marine’s six million votes in the legislative elections to be held on 10th and 17th June. They are probably more important to the FN’s prospects of real, sustainable growth than the presidential election is.
by Karl LaForce 25th March 2012, Greek Independence Day. The activities for day having been canceled, we met George at our hotel and walked to the base of the Acropolis for coffees and conversation. The neighborhood between the hotel and the Acropolis is noticeably rundown. George told us, “In this neighborhood there are only immigrants, homosexuals, and junkies”. No sooner was that said and two hand-holding homosexuals exited the door of a building directly in front of us and turn toward the Acropolis, like some unholy and cursed prophecy had just come true right before our eyes. The name of that area of Athens is called Thesion, and was formerly an upscale area of the city, before the government’s refusal to protect the borders of Greece and Europe from the flood of “human refuse of the Third World kind”. We came to a street that is blocked with concrete barriers at each end. George said, “This is a synagogue and an Israeli consulate. No Greek institution in Athens is allowed to block a street like this, only Jews are permitted to do it.” “It will make a good public restroom after GD takes control of parliament”, I replied. As we walked, the number of non-white faces (we encountered) was disturbingly high. Afghans, Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, Turks, Arabs, Gypsies and more, all the Third World seemed to have washed up here. The favoured immigrant status was the “asylum seeker”. But it would be far more appropriate to call them invaders. As far as we could see, they were involved in all manner of low-grade economic activity, including begging and selling second hand-clothing, some of which was quite probably acquired from home invasions and street robberies. They were standing around arguing, shouting, and generally degrading the area by their presence.
E. O. Wilson’s much anticipated new book, “The Social Conquest of Earth”, focuses on the human dimension of his highly controversial 2010 paper “The Evolution of Eusociality” which begins with the sentence:
Since E. O. Wilson has recently stated that preserving Earth’s biodiversity against human encroachment is his “religion”, the juxtaposition of the first sentence of his paper on human eusociality’s “ecological dominance”, with his claimed “religion” of protecting biodiversity from that same “ecological dominance”, indicates that his new book on human eusociality would be an epic clash of thesis and antithesis. One would have every reason to expect an equally epic synthesis and consilience as a fitting magnum opus to E. O. Wilson’s illustrious career. I had particular reason to be interested in his book, since I am convinced that eusociality is not an essential, nor even desirable aspect of the human condition, and share Wilson’s strong “biophilia”. This commitment is the product of a lifelong character development, as the study of eusociality and biodiversity has been to E. O. Wilson. This development is worth recounting, as it bears directly on the exceptionally relevant context I bring to my reading of “The Social Conquest of Earth”: Growing out of my youthful membership in Zero Population Growth in 1969, I wrote the world’s first massively multiplayer virtual world game—which is significant here only because it was also the first attempt to simulate application of nonterrestrial resources to terrestrial limits to growth. A little over a decade later, as a member of the San Diego Sierra Club, I hosted annual conferences in the Laguna Mountains lodge on the topic, “What Good Are Humans?” and, as a result, was quoted by OMNI magazine as an advocate of space development because of my unusual commitment to protecting terrestrial biodiversity. During this period a book titled “Bringing Life to the Stars” by cognitive psychologist David Duemler was dedicated to me despite the fact that, as described in that book, I differed with his promotion of utilitarianism over biodiversity. Following on that, I embarked on a series of public policy initiatives with the aim of expanding the resources available to civilization. This included leading a grassroots coalition to pass legislation at the Federal level requiring NASA to procure launch services from the private sector. This, in turn led to the sincerest flattery by a rival space activist who is about to announce the first asteroid mining company backed by prominent adventure capitalists. One might expect, given my background, that my primary interest would be in Wilson’s expansion of his often-stated objection to space development as a supposed panacea for protection of biodiversity from the encroachment by human eusociality. That is not the case. My primary interest was in how, given his “religious” commitment to protect biodiversity, Wilson could reconcile limiting humanity to the biosphere with his own prominent statement about human eusociality’s ecological dominance of other species. There is absolutely no evidence that the presence of human eusociality in the biosphere is compatible with biodiversity. Indeed, all indications point the opposite direction as we are in the midst of one of the largest extinction events in the geologic record and it is directly caused by human eusociality. With this in mind, my own struggle has been with the practicalities of excluding technological civilization from the biosphere—most probably as part of the transition to a heliocentric resource base. These practicalities are formidable since any residual human presence on Earth would present a clear and present danger that, simply by force of habit, a resurgent biospheric civilization would again threaten biodiversity. How would E. O. Wilson, this towering genius of eusociality and leading light for biodivesity preservation address the practicalities of excluding technological civilization from the biosphere—given his opinion that a transition to a heliocentric resource base is not possible? I received “The Social Conquest of Earth” in the mail and turned immediately to the table of contents. Nothing. I turned to the index. No entry for “biodiversity”, “extinction” nor anything of the sort. I paged through the chapters scanning for anything that might indicate a great mind was taking on the profound practical difficulties of reconciling human eusociality with biodiversity preservation. Here, from chapter “A New Enlightenment”—the last chapter of the book—is the totality of what E. O. Wilson has to say about his “religion” and its fundamental conflict with the subject of the book in conclusion:
This content-free gesture of moralizing rhetoric is what E. O. Wilson provides us on what should have been the central topic of his magnum opus. Clearly, E. O. Wilson has another “religion” than the one he touts. This sort of abject neurological failure might be chalked up to age-related cognitive decline if it weren’t for the fact that it is clear that, in other areas of the book where he elaborately argues that eusociality is the epitome of virtue, he is far from brain-dead. His religion is Civilization, not biodiversity, and the elaborate presentation of his case for human eusociality’s virtue paints a rosey picture of human mass organisms, the antedote for which may be the mirror image bias of the viscerally revolting (consider yourself warned) horror movie “The Human Centipede”. Civilization über alles.
by Karl LaForce My intrepid traveling companion and I touched down at Eleftherios Venizelos airport in Athens on the day before the Independence Day holiday, which is March 25th of every year. It was a bright warm day, typical of the entire week we were there, but change is in the air, like a cleansing storm on the horizon that will bring a new day. At this location GD occupies two floors of a mixed residential and commercial building. It is one of many around the country. Some of GD’s Women’s Front members, about six in all, were busily cleaning the offices in anticipation of the weekly Saturday meeting. I later learned that some of the women cleaning had college degrees and were employed in professional positions, and that they demanded that the GD Women’s Front be responsible for the work of cleaning the offices. The 2nd floor has a type of coffee bar/hang-out lounge, so we got ourselves two iced Greek style frappes and sat down to speak in greater detail with George. He told us of the protests in January 2012 in Athens in which as many as 20,000 Athenians had marched in opposition to the government monetary and immigration policy. He told us that Greece currently consisted of 10 million Greeks and 3 million immigrants. He told us of poverty levels that had not been seen since WWII. Yet, as he spoke, I detected an underlining optimism. He felt that the enemies of Greece and Hellenism had pushed too far, and that Greece was on the verge of an epic change. “The public is ready to embrace nationalism by electing GD parliament candidates”, he told us. GD will have 118 candidates on the ballot in May. “The immigrants, the crime, the Euro, the never-ending austerity measures, the inability of the current government to protect the treasures of Greek antiquities either from immigrant vandals [referring to the February 2012 looting of the museum treasures in ancient Olympia] or from German banks ... all have played a part”. As the time for the regular Saturday meeting neared, the number of people swelled to over a hundred. The energy was palpable, even over-flowing. Because of very real safety threats the security was heavy; in 2010 the GD Athens offices were bombed and, in a separate incident, there was also an attack against the Chairman at his home. We met an organization lawyer, the official spokesman, and several of the brothers who were running for parliament. The chairman arrived about an hour before the meeting, preceded by bodyguards. One of them announced his arrival with a command that everyone stand. Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos entered the room to a volley of Roman salutes; it was a thrilling moment! Though he had never met my traveling companion or me, he walked straight up to us and offered us a warm welcome. He said that after he had attended some pressing business we would be invited into his office for an informal chat. After a few minutes, as promised, his bodyguards came for us. I offered to leave my large folding pocket knife with them, but they allowed me to carry it in. They understood that I had not come to harm their chairman, and they understood that their chairman was well protected by several big guys stationed inside the office. After the few minutes in the Chairman’s office the regular meeting was ready to start. The party official spokesman gave a quick talk, and introduced the other speakers. One of the speakers was a historian, dressed in 1821 period military garb. He gave a speech on one of the fiercest battles during the war for independence from the Ottoman Empire. At the end of the meeting a GD party official announced that contrary to previous plans, GD would not participate in any Independence Day parades the following day, due to the expectation of excessive police misconduct toward members. The government had brought about 5000 riot policemen from around the country to guard the politicians, and there were even sharp shooters positioned on top of government buildings, for fear of insurrection. This was somewhat of a disappointment for my traveling companion and I, as we had chosen our travel dates to coincide with the now canceled parade, however we were confident that the GD leadership had good reason to cancel the parade. After the meeting there was a gathering at a local bar owned by a GD member. We were impressed by the closeness and camaraderie. We saw tables at the bar where young love was at bloom, and we saw tables where young lions were plotting their next victories. We would have stayed longer, but the travel weariness and jet lag dictated otherwise. For a first day in a country new to me, the number and quality of new experiences had been overwhelming! The good fortune of meeting Nationalist brothers and sisters, combined with being in the presence of the most impressive of all the ancient monuments built by our race - the majestic Acropolis – and to be walking the streets that had been walked by so many great men, had all made for something of a life changing experience. It was one that would be deepened and expanded in the following days.
If you are not clear about the meaning of the term “natural duel”, first read and re-read “The Tale of Lin Tse” (with codification at Seven Points of Agreement Between Individuals (revised).) As a warning to the majority, (the majority of Majority Rights’ commentariate being only one sampling): when you scoff at the culture—the socially honored routes to women giving birth and men giving death—that created to you, you scoff at your very being. Despite my repeated statements explicitly denying that Natural Duel is appropriate in present, and the vast majority of historic, circumstances (group selection as “state of war”), detractors continually presume, in their statements, that I am advocating the introduction of Natural Duel into present circumstances. Very well. If I am going to do the time, I may as well commit the crime.
We are hearing a lot about the “true meaning of Easter” today—with many sermons on its contamination by “pagan” traditions. What none of them will tell you is the true origin of Easter as the celebration of women’s liberation. There is not one, and I mean not ONE Christian denomination that follows the teachings of Paul regarding women’s role in the church. All, and I mean ALL Christian denominations that proclaim themselves to follow Paul’s teachings are not being honest with themselves. There is a very simple reason for this: True Christianity is not JudeoChristianity and JudeoChristianity is an invention of Jews who found the true story of Jesus mortally threatening. True Christianity is rooted in the commitment to individual sovereignty, eternally and mortally opposed to group sovereignty, as demonstrated by Jesus’s message to us that “Ye are gods, children of the most high.” ANY interposition of church, state, gang or any other group, between the Individual and the Father is of the serpent—the most ancient symbol for the kind of beast that arises when individuals give up their sovereignty to a group. Other symbols were dragons, vipers and, worms. The true sovereign may challenge any other sovereign to mortal combat in a formal declaration. If those sovereigns are groups, then we call it war and we have not peace in the land. If those sovereigns are individuals, we call it duel and we have not war in the land—for during war all individual duels are suspended, as exemplified by George Washington’s orders to his officers during the Revolutionary War. It is obvious why priests, politicians, international bankers, Hollywood moguls and other manipulators would find it necessary to, first, impose silly rules on “duels” so they become exercises in specialized skills disconnected from nature—and then outlaw them entirely because such unnatural “duels” were destructive. Maintaining perpetual war is the preferred mode of operation however since it centralizes power in the group and necessitates inhibition of even natural duel in which two men enter the State of Nature to use only that which Nature provides them to finally permanently resolve a mortal conflict between them as the ultimate appeal in dispute processing. But what of a woman’s sovereignty? That is the sovereignty of a woman’s love—of giving birth to new life. Sacral respect for the individual woman’s choice of her mate, as well as sacral respect for the individual man’s choice of how to sacrifice his life in mortal combat, is alien to all cultures but one: Indo-Europeans. Reflected in numerous traditions depicting the abduction and imprisonment of the dawn goddess by a “dragon”, and her liberation by a heroic god slaying the dragon who imprisons her—we see the true meaning of Easter. The name of that dawn goddess is, unsurprisingly, the Proto-Indoeuropean cognate of the word “East”, and is also the cognate of the word for “morning star”. The name “Easter” is also a cognate reflected in various names for the dawn goddess. Jews, such as Saul of Tarsus and modern day Hollywood myth makers, have, at least since Babylonian times (when they appropriated and altered the story, not only of the “serpent” from the Babylonian legends, but the prior record of how Cyrus came to liberate the peoples previously enslaved by that empire) routinely construct lies with which to manipulate masses. If you think Hollywood Jews are any different from those ancient Jewish priests of Babylon, you are under their spell—currently cast by the new state religion (literally a theocracy to replace Christianity) of Holocaustianity as reflected in the fact that hundreds of movies have been made about the horrors of the Holocaust and not one—and I mean not ONE movie has been made about the Holodomor, in which Jewish leaders of the growing Soviet Empire starved millions of Ukranians to eradicate family farms. The Holodomor occurred one year before Hitler came to power in Germany. “Ye race of vipers.” “Ye are of your father the devil…” The one true religion is that which celebrates the individual as direct descendant of the most high: The individual who rightfully says “I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” The miracle is our very Creation—the rest is secondary whether it be third or fourth hand stories, edited by Emperors and Talmudic Rabbis, of healing the sick, raising the dead, walking on water, or rising, one’s self, from the dead. Priests have always sought to interpose themselves between the Individual and the miracle of Creation. It is that interposition that gives them the power over the masses which they manipulate. Saul, the Jewish butcher of Tarsus, had to imprison the goddess present in all women, in his teachings about the “proper” role of women in the church. This he had to do in order to counter-balance the imprisonment of the god in men implied by the removal of their individual sovereignty by which they could challenge any hypocrite—any liar—any “head of the snake” to mortal combat in the State of Nature, under the authority of his father, Nature’s God, and remove that hypocritical manipulator of masses from the stream of creation. So when you attend an Easter service at Dawn, remember.
by David Hamilton Further to the recent posts about my ordeal with The Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Unit I have been interviewed by two different officers from the CTU about imaginary links they tried to say I had with a terrorist. In the UK, the Counter Terrorism Command (CTC) are trying to build up a narrative of how the “far-right” are terrorists just like those in the Muslim community. I became ensnared in this effort because a man I never met liked a letter I wrote and posted on Facebook. This was decided on at a meeting between a senior Metropolitan Police officer and a meeting of Muslims.(1) There is a good reason I know nothing about Anders Breivik, the man who blew up a government building and shot 76 teenage Marxists in Norway. As part of its agenda to invent home-grown “right wing terrorism,” the CTC are trying to fit me up as being an associate of Breivik, whom I’ve never met.
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:19. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:59. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 17:36. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 17:25. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 12:49. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:37. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:36. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 10 Feb 2024 12:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 23:16. (View) ![]() ![]() |